It’s late on a Sunday evening, I’ve played far too much Super Mario Galaxy 2 (I see star bits when I close my eyes), and it’s time to carry on with talking about comics I obtained back in February.
Batman and Robin #8
The title of the chapter says it all: Batman Vs. Batman, as Dick Grayson fights a dead copy of Batman. Grant Morrison keeps everything bubbling along nicely (I love the Geordie gang boss) but he stands aside to let Cameron Stewart take centre stage with some great art and great fight scenes. This is just fun comics – long may it continue.
Strange #4
I still would have preferred the interior art to have been provided by cover artist Tomm Coker rather than Emma Rios (especially as the contrast is so strong), and I’m not sure I buy the ‘operating on the universe’ (in the form of Eternity) as the visualisation for saving day, but Mark Waid ties things together neatly and satisfyingly as always, although with a sacrifice (to mark the consequences of magic) to set up possible future stories. Although this is well told, I don’t know if it qualifies as a sufficiently important story for a Dr Strange mini-series – shouldn’t it have been something more significant than teaching an apprentice?
The Unwritten #10
The Unwritten is a really good book – it’s smart, thoughtful, funny and it’s about something – but it gets even better with this chapter because it uses a real example of the thin boundary between reality and fiction and the power of fiction to create another reality. In this case, it is the German propaganda film Jud Süss, which is completely anti-Semitic but was in fact based on a novella (itself based on the life of a historical figure) that was pro-Jewish. It is an amazing piece of history and it’s something I wouldn’t have known about if it hadn’t been for this comic book. And the comic book ends on a great cliffhanger – thank you, Carey and Gross.