If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that I spent over a week removing the carpet from our flat and replacing it with laminate flooring; it was a bigger job than we anticipated, and it left me exhausted, and I spent the remaining time off just recovering from it (I’m still exhausted). This means I’m catching up with thoughts on the comics bought and not reviewed in the interim, with each week’s haul separated into daily posts so I can keep track.
Captain Britain and MI:13 #14
After the digression that was the annual, this book was back to the Dracula invasion of Britain. Cornell reveals his ace – Plokta gave Dracula his dream come true – and we get back into the twisting and turning of the plot, and our British heroes being stiff of upper lip while plotting their counter attacks and trying to stop Dracula. Even though this book is destined for the scrap heap, it’s not for lack of quality, with great dialogue and great characterisation in a great story. There’s even time for Killpower from Marvel UK of old and Dr Doom to cameo his evilness. Great stuff.
Ex Machina #43
I find it hard to come up with something about Ex Machina – Vaughan is doing a great job of writing, Harris is doing a great job on art and the story is gripping, as Mayor Hundred comes up with a radical solution to the rat problem, which he thinks is related to an old nemesis. This is a very good comic book that will be missed when it finishes soon, but it’s not ending without giving us a good story on the way.
Herogasm #2
I’m reading this because Ennis has promised that this will change the status quo in The Boys but I haven’t taken much enjoyment out of these two first issues. The orgy stuff is just silly now – surely one issue was enough? – and McCrea’s art still doesn’t match his Hitman days. If it wasn’t for the fact that the actual target of Butcher’s plan is revealed in this issue (as well as the arrival of the Vice-President and the reveal that he is being lined up to be for the top job, and the soliciting of Payback for the storyline currently in The Boys), it would be a bit of a waste, something that is unusual for Ennis. I hope it picks up.
Incognito #4
It’s always good to see a new comic from Brubaker and Phillips, and this keeps up the excellent hit rate. This one sees Zack being returned to the power-sapping drugs by the good guys, who want to use him as bait for the bad guys, we learn more about the methods of Professor Zeppelin and about Black Death himself, before Zack is rescued by Ava Destruction, meaning things are going to get hectic next issue. People may want more Criminal, but I’m enjoying this just as much and it’s a lot of fun. A great package, as always.
Jack of Fables #35
And that’s my last issue of Jack of Fables. If this wasn’t part of a calculated effort to make me buy that book, I might have enjoyed it – there are some nice jokes (including the extra page for Blue Ox: ‘This is awkward.’), we get to see Bigby let loose on the Genres and Deus Ex Machina makes an appearance (to let us know how things will be sorted out in the final issue of the crossover) – but I was already antagonistic towards it because of why it exists in the first place. At least it’s over and Fables can get back on track now.
Tomorrow, the comics from the week after, just to condense time lines.