Some links before a break

I never thought I would see Tim O'Neill answer the question of 'who is stronger?' so central to Marvel zombies, but he provides clear and sensible answers to the eternal problem. Most bizarre, and definitive. Dave Campbell has posted online the first issue of the new comic he has written…

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Low calorie posting

I'm not feeling too hot today, so no content-rich post from the Clandestine Critic today (see how unwell I am – I referred to myself in the third person …) Instead, a little stroll through around the inter-porn-web-net, as I comment on a few things I've seen … Paul O'Brien,…

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Write here, write now

This is going to be a bit nomadic and aimless, with some thoughts and things I want to remember. On with the show and don’t munch on your popcorn too loudly; please be considerate to other patrons. Anyone else getting lots of Russian spam? I get an inbox full of…

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In which I point out some interesting things I've read in the Comic Blogosphere recently, as I cannot provide you with all the content goodness your body needs: Tim has an excellent critique of Marvels, over at The Hurting, displaying his smart writing and insightful brain. He is the man…

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