Wherein I prattle on about comic-related things.
Winging their way to my grubby mitts via my excellent LCS:
Gotham Central #34
Intimates #10
PVP #0
Stupid Comics #3
Gotham Central (soon to be Streets of Gotham, according to Rich Johnston – will Rucka still be on board? – who also has photos of where I shop, Gosh Comics, if you were interested) is nearly always excellent, and the current storyline about a dead Robin is superb. The Intimates is a book which I’m not sure I’m getting top value enjoyment out of, so I’m not sure how much longer it will stay on my list – please tell me otherwise if you have a view on the subject. I have much love for the antics of PVP so, even though this is an unnecessary introduction for me to the funny of Scott Kurtz, I can’t help myself. Stupid Comics sees Jim Mahfood doing his Evan Dorkin stuff; he’s not as good as the Dork master himself, but he has a nice style and can be very funny on occasion.
I’ve been away, so missed some stuff. Such as:
The leaking of Warren Ellis’s new Marvel team book go here [EDIT: dead link] for Warren talking about it and then here [EDIT: dead link] for Stuart Immonen talking about it, because I am an Ellis whore and will probably buy this, even if it does sound silly.
Here you can read Brian Vaughan talking intelligently about the film option on Ex Machina.
Mike Sterling made me laugh with what is presumably an old joke but one I had never heard before in his post titled The Comics FAQ:
— It’s the Roman numeral representation of approximately how many X-Men
related titles are on the stands at any given time.
Joss Whedon talks about everything, including comics and why Warren Ellis is a God to him (found via Ellis himself – these creative types are so cliquey, aren’t they?).
The MillarWorld Magazine has Garth Ennis revealing the origin of Section Eight, heh, heh, bueno …
And of course, there was the Wizard/Heroes Con fiasco – for more lucid and intelligent response, see this article by the estimable Paul O’Brien or, for an artistic interpretation, Scott Kurtz.
Time for me to read some comics. Enjoy your weekend, folks.