I’ve been listening to the Collings and Herrin podcast since its beginning – I’ve been reading the blogs of Andrew Collins and Richard Herring (the name of the podcast is a deliberate joke on their part) for a while now as well – and enjoying their unedited chat, which seems to hark back to their days when Collins used to do a show on BBC 6 Music and Herrings would co-host on a Sunday.
They recently had their photographs taken by a proper photographer (he did it for free), to help them promote their podcast on iTunes. This is one of two they have posted, and I couldn’t help but post this one (I think it’s a great image) and to do my bit to help them promote their podcast.
I think Richard Herring is starting to look like Justin Lee Collins. No relation of Andrew is he? 🙂
There’s no need to be horrible about Richard Herring 🙂
Apart from being a human being (well, I assume JLC is; the evidence is shaky), I don’t believe there is any relation.
They remind me of a lot of people i know who are all fantastically funny. This is a wicked pod cast AND they took my podcast cherry. I couldn’t have lost it in any better way!
I agree, Ben; they are exactly the sort of thing that the podcast should be about – two funny blokes sitting around talking nonsense. They are true to the original spirit of the podcast, rather than just packaging the highlights of a radio show.